iPhone in a Bathroom

Apr 23, 2016 14:42
After I moved to my new apartment, I came to immerse in a hot bath frequently.

Since I have to use a large amount of water to prepare a bath, I want to soak in the bath for a long time, but it's a little bit boring.

Therefore, I came to bring my iPhone in a ziplock to the bath, and enjoy dramas.

If you close the zipper of the ziplock, it will become waterproof, and you can touch the screen through the ziplock.

However, when you go out of the bath, condensation could occur within the ziplock.

In order to prevent the condensation, it's recommended to suck out the air in the ziplock by using a straw.






No. 1 ココ's correction
  • After I moved to my new apartment, I came to immerse in a hot bath frequently.
  • After I moved to my new apartment, I started taking hot baths frequently.
     This is a more proper English way of saying this sentence
  • Since I have to use a large amount of water to prepare a bath, I want to soak in the bath for a long time, but it's a little bit boring.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Therefore, I came to bring my iPhone in a ziplock to the bath, and enjoy dramas.
  • Therefore, I began to bring my iPhone in a ziplock bag to the bath to enjoy dramas.
  • If you close the zipper of the ziplock, it will become waterproof, and you can touch the screen through the ziplock.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, when you go out of the bath, condensation could occur within the ziplock.
  • However, when you go out of the bath, condensation could accumulate within the ziplock.
  • In order to prevent the condensation, it's recommended to suck out the air in the ziplock by using a straw.
  • In order to prevent the condensation, it's recommended to suck out the air in the ziplock by using a straw.
     That is funny!
I suppose many people do this nowadays. I personally like to take a bath to clear my mind. The part about sucking the air out of the bag made me laugh, hahaha.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
The act may look like crazy, haha.
No. 2 Timmy's correction
>In order to prevent condensation, it's recommended to suck out the air in the ziplock by >using a straw.

#lifehack ^_^
Yes, if I didn't know this, my phone might be broken :)
Yeah, Apple phones are not very durable when it comes to water.
No. 3 Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)'s correction
  • After I moved to my new apartment, I came to immerse in a hot bath frequently.
  • After I moved to my new apartment, I made it a point to frequently immerse myself in hot baths.
     If you want to use immerse, use it this way.
  • Since I have to use a large amount of water to prepare a bath, I want to soak in the bath for a long time, but it's a little bit boring.
  • It takes a long time to draw up the water required for a bath, and since I also like soaking in the bath for extended periods, it can get a bit boring.
     I think your English is sufficiently good to understand my corrections.

    To draw up = to prepare water
  • Therefore, I came to bring my iPhone in a ziplock to the bath, and enjoy dramas.
  • Therefore, I began to bring my iPhone in a ziplock to the bath so that I could watch dramas.
     watch drama is more natural (for me)
  • If you close the zipper of the ziplock, it will become waterproof, and you can touch the screen through the ziplock.
  • The phone becomes waterproof as long as the zipper remains sealed, and this allows you to touch the screen.
     Just like Japanese drops many nouns and pronouns when it's obvious, you can do the same for English.
  • However, when you go out of the bath, condensation could occur within the ziplock.
  • However, leaving the bath results in condensation.
     It's pretty obvious where the condensation happens.
  • In order to prevent the condensation, it's recommended to suck out the air in the ziplock by using a straw.
  • To prevent that from happening, you can use a straw to remove the air contained inside the ziplock.
     I prefer remove over sucking. Because sucking sounds more crude.
We live in good times, don't we? Rather than worry about survival, we now worry about what drama to watch now. Life IS good. =)
Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)
Interestingly, though we all live better than the emperors in the past, suicide rates are not going down. It says something about the human mind and society.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
Yes, it might be a first world problem.

And as you said, suicide rates seem to increase (especially in Japan... http://lang-8.com/kanotown/journals/201200506476488379803500847465698908812).
Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)
Ah, I believe I read something like that before. Lately, America's suicide rate went up significantly. Still much lower than Japan though.

Japan's harsh work environment, high expectations and strong group-think might be factors for the high suicide rate. It's only a guess on my part. (as an observer)
Yes. According to a survey, the main reasons of suicide in Japan was health matters, but I also think the potential reasons are work environment and human relations.